Legislative page
For legislatures
The KCTCS Workforce Solutions strives to ensure that KY policymakers that are contacted by businesses within their districts, have a connection point to receive customized training for the purposes of reskilling or upskilling their workforce.
KCTCS colleges are Kentucky’s largest provider of business-first customized workforce training and follows the approach. KCTCS’ geographic reach (a college location within any 30 mile KY address) provides a natural footprint for serving local and regional businesses.
Our process.
If the businesses do not see an increase in productivity, based on the customized training provided a KCTCS college, then no one wins. KCTCS Workforce solutions ensures that this business-first approach, and the associated customized training, improves the businesses bottom line.
Since (insert correct date), the KCTCS legislature has supported KCTCS Workforce Solutions by providing a stream of public resources to offset training needs of businesses that work with a KCTCS college. These are commonly referred to as KCTCS TRAINS resources.
KCTCS is always striving to expand the number of businesses it serves each year. In Collaboration with WS partners, such as the Cabinet of Ed, KY Chamber, the legislature, and others, KCTCS WS is readily available for any conversation to help KY businesses thrive.
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Short copy about partnering with Workforce Solutions.
- email@kctcs.edu
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- 1-800-CALL-KCTCS